Walk – a healthy habit

There is no bad weather, only bad clothes – there is a truth in this saying that every parent should know. And remember. The parents of the Toddlers often give up walking because of the weather. Sometimes it is too warm, sometimes it is too cold, and other times it is just after rain. And the walk should be a must-see on the map of the child’s day. Why?

A walk toughens the body

Oxygenated, activated to action, the body more easily defends itself against bacteria and viruses that are everywhere and constantly attack. The baby’s body learns to adapt to different situations, temperatures, air humidity, and atmospheric pressure. Children who walk regularly and are dressed appropriately to the season and the current weather (they are not overheated!) Are much less ill, and a toughened body is better at fighting infections. When walking, it is worth having a baby blanket with you, thanks to which we can react to the changing aura. When it gets colder or it starts to blow, you can cover your baby with an additional layer and continue to enjoy the time together outdoors.

Walk for a good night’s sleep

Each walk is a large dose of oxygen. Babies love to sleep during walks, they return home refreshed, oxygenated and supplied with vitamin D responsible for immunity and strong bones. If your baby likes to take a nap in the fresh air, remember to equip the stroller with a comfortable pillow and a duvet or a baby blanket . Trolley bedding sets are ideal, the size of which is adapted to deep and pushchairs.

A walk develops the senses

Each walk can be a shared adventure. Learning the world live cannot be replaced by even the best educational toy. A baby absorbs the surrounding world with all his senses, which is why sounds, smells, elements of nature that can be seen and touched have a huge impact on the intellectual and emotional development of a child.

Common walks are time together. Without a doubt, this aspect is the most important. Bonding outdoors and discovering the wonders of the world in front of your child are lessons that will last a lifetime.

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