Colors in a child’s life


Colors surround babies from the very first moments after birth. In the first weeks of life, newborns see a blurry image, but after the first month they begin to notice colors: orange, yellow, red, turquoise, aquamarine and purple. The second month of life is the time when the baby distinguishes yellow from green, and a month later – yellow from red. At the turn of the third and fourth months of life, a child can already recognize the full range of colors, just like adults.

Colors and development

Color sensitivity, otherwise known as the sense of color, belongs to the same sensitivity category as musical hearing. It is an inborn trait, but it is up to the parents to largely determine how it will develop and improve.

Scientists have proven that colors have an influence on a child’s psyche. Therefore, introducing specific colors into their world, for example due to bedding and textile accessories , should be carefully considered. Newborns and infants respond best to neutral colors – beige, flesh-colored pink, cream. This is because these shades remind them of the color of their mother’s skin. Choosing bedding in harmonious , delicate, flesh-colored shades will have a beneficial effect on your baby. Babies also perceive warm colors – red, yellow, orange – as pleasant. Such colors put children in a good mood and help to develop the mind.

Color therapy

Colors affect the entire body of a child, causing various reactions, such as increased heart rate, calmness, a sense of peace and security. They are also of particular importance in a toddler’s self-expression. Preschoolers assign colors to various concepts and feelings. Rain is blue, love is red and Saturday is green. In Poland, color therapy is used to treat developmental disorders in children.

The magic of colors

The choice of colors for items and textiles for a child’s room is an important aspect in its development. If we want the toddler to fall asleep quickly and calmly, we must opt for bedding in delicate colors . If we want to stimulate his imagination and creativity, we can choose a canopy and pillows in bolder colors for the play corner. Skilfully selected colors can increase the effectiveness of learning and stimulate thinking, and even improve memory and concentration. According to research, green has a positive effect on concentration. Yellow will also have a very good influence on science – it is often called the color of the intellect.

It is amazing that from the first months of a child’s life, we can influence his sense of aesthetics and beauty in adulthood. To shape his sensitivity to the surrounding world full of beautiful colors.

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